By: Randy H. Porras
Accountant II
The Department of Education, Division of Bukidnon has accomplished its mandate in 2014 to fully download school budget to respective schools as provided for under DepEd Order 12, s. 2014 re: Implementing Guidelines on the Direct Release of Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) Allocations of Schools to the Respective Implementing Units. The said Order directs the Schools Division Office (SDO) to release MOOE allocation to the respective heads of Elementary Schools and non-implementing Secondary Schools through cash advance using the replenishment method. The school allocation is intended to fund activities as identified in the School Improvement Plan (SIP), for implementation in the current year, and as determined in the Annual Procurement Plan (APP) of the school. It can also be used to cover expenses for trainings, utilities, communication, school supplies, minor repairs, wages of janitorial and security services and even expenses incurred during graduation rites.
In the twelve months program of release, the Division got the highest achievement rate for the month of December in terms of the most number of schools covered by the downloading of funds. Schools having school heads with impediment on cash advance were assisted by Disbursing Officers who helped manage their disbursements. The scheme which was spearheaded by the dynamic leadership of Dr. Jesnar Dems S. Torres, the Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent dramatically increased the total number of schools which were given allocations. Five Hundred Eighty Seven (587) elementary and secondary schools or 99% of the total schools received their MOOE allocation in the fiscal year 2014. This has lessened the amount of unutilized cash allocations of the schools that were automatically reverted back to the Bureau of Treasury.
The downloading of school allocation should discourage collections in schools which is one of parents’ usual predicaments. The amount of school budget heightened the chances of schools heads as stewards to effectively support the school’s operations, thereby, providing a supportive environment for effective learning.